Agricultural machinery for every task and need

Kubota global slogan says: “There is a Kubota for every job, every harvest, every task”. The sentence summarizes up the great flexibility and customization of Kubota products. A real key-factor of success for this Japanese company, this approach has quickly led Kubota to become one of the biggest global players in the field of agricultural machinery.
In facts, the tractors and agricultural machines by Kubota do not come out in a basic version that has to be adapted to a specific need by purchasing expensive accessories in a further moment; they are sold already set up for a specific task, in order to make farmers save time and money.

Japan is a country that features a huge variety of soils, from marshy plains cultivated with rice to green rolling hills and rugged mountains. Then, versatility shall be a must for Japanese manufacturers.

Founded in 1897 as a metal casting business, Kubota has been producing agricultural machinery since 1947. The company stood out immediately for the high quality of its products, which were officially awarded by the Japanese government.

The production of tractors began in the 60ies. In the following decade, the company established a global presence, by adopting the winning approach to manufacture specialized agricultural machinery that fits specific uses.

Presently, Kubota turns out a wide variety of products, from diesel engines to combine harvesters and – naturally – tractors.

Kubota in short:

With a story of almost one century in agricultural equipment manufacturing, Kubota is one of the global companies with more experience.
Technical excellence is a real obsession for Kubota engineers, and one of the main reasons why many farmers buy Kubota products.
Kubota manages logistics with a care that is typically oriental. Technology alone is not sufficient for success, as management and service also matter.
Kubota makes customer satisfaction real. Every piece of equipment is delivered already set-up for its specific purpose.